Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Opening Salvo

Today was a big day. No kidding, Sherlock.

It is now tomorrow - even here in Maui. We just got back from the airport after picking up Greg! Oh, yeah - did I mention that Gregory is back!?!? No!?!? Well, he is! It seems that the Lord really wants this guy around to help us out, and we could not be more happy! It's kinda tough on the guy though, since he is able to be here because he is still unemployed - and he has not had twelve minutes of true unemployment since he started working when he was in High School. So, a crazy cheap fare from San Diego appeared ($150.00!! Can you believe it!?!?), and we all knew that he was meant to be back here.  Thank you, God!!

All this followed a few hours of time-killing at dinner, Walmart and Starbucks, which of course, came after my first encounter with the Weapon of "Mass" Destruction. get it?!!?? Mass?!!? As in tumor!?!?!? Oh, man, I crack myself up!!! And even at this hour...dang, I'm funny.... So, the Lord is not only by my side, he brought Star Trek along, too!! It blows my puny mind to think of the crazy smart minds that God created to invent this ginormous beautiful zapper.

Anyway, it was awesome and painless and a little weird as the radiologist kept coming over and drawing pictures on me. It may not be permanent like the tiny tattoos, but these bright blue crosshairs are in semi-indelible ink. They are gonna be a part of me for a while. I feel kind of like an urban wall if the NRA were doing the graffiti.

But God is very merciful. Totally painless - as in no sensation at all - and all I had to do is lay still. They kept saying I was doing great. I told them I studied Laying Down 101 as an undergrad.

But I'm tired. Did I mention a big day!?!? So, thus ends my shortest blog ever.

You're welcome.

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