Thursday, April 12, 2012

Soccer Christians

I consider that I am very blessed to have had some remarkable pastors during my Christian walk. Most of these guys use metaphors and stories from their own experience, and since Jesus was very big on such metaphors, it seems appropriate.

The pastor who teaches me now, is my dear friend, Steve. Steve loves to surf. He came here almost thirty years ago to do just that. So, lots of his metaphors and examples have a slightly surfy tone. He uses "Gnarly" and "outa control" to describe our daily trials. The senior pastor of the church we called home back in San Diego used to play football, so most of his stories have gridiron flavor. He used to challenge his congregation to be "football Christians" and not "basketball Christians". His explanation was that while basketball players need some time off for an injury such as a twisted ankle or an eyelash in their eye, football player will keep on battling while their arm is dangling by a mere thread of a tendon and their head is bouncing down the field - still inside the helmet, of course. His rather biased point? We can't give up or call a time out simply because the battle got tough. We have to play hurt.

Well, Pastor Miles, I'll see your football Christians, and Steve, your tumble-in-a-wave Christians, and raise you both some soccer Christians! I'm not talking your local AYSO adorable little keiki soccer, but the big-time, world class folks who run around a ginormous field for 80 minute halves - and if there is a time out for any reason, that time is tacked on to the end of the regulation period! Just because there is going to be soccer played during the required amount of time!! Good grief!! But these men and women are legit. They don't stop, and they keep running up and down chasing after the ball, hitting it off of every part of their body expect their hands (they hit it with their HEAD!!!), while colliding with all the other players who are running after the ball. They just keep going - kind of like if the Energizer Bunny were into MMA.

I want to be a soccer Christian. I want to keep on going despite being beaten-up and bouncing things off my head and feeling like I just can't go on. I want to be like that.

A year ago, Don and I were finishing the last of our packing, taking the last walk down to the beach (at 2 a.m.), and taking the last drive to the airport. We were in the most brutal game we had ever experienced and we just wanted to quit - but God is so faithful and would not let us. After five months, the Lord brought us back home and it felt like the game was finally going to ease up - but it was only halftime. We're still getting knocked around a bit, but God is still the same faithful Father who protected us from every harmful thing - but not every painful thing. At times when we are too tired to go on, God refreshes us through His Word, and through those around us who love Him - and us. When we get discouraged because we are not achieving the goals we wanted, we remember that few players actually get the ball in the net.

Yes, I want to be a soccer Christian. I want to battle and fight and keep going, even if I am bloodied and bruised. Because, just like all soccer games, eventually the game does end...and Jesus will take us home...

1 comment:

  1. Interesting metaphor for life, but there are a few problems with soccer.

    1, it's full of cheats, players will routinely dive in order to secure a free kick, and in extreme cases to get another player dismissed. You need a sport where the players play fair come what may.

    When you score in soccer you are showerd with hugs and kisses and high fives. You need a sport where scoring might get you a pat on the back, but you quickly get on with the game.

    Soccer players are paid vast sums of money. You need a sport that the players play just for the love of it. A game where a player will claim the biggest honours the game has to offer on Sunday, and be back working his farm on Monday.

    Soccer players play for whichever club will pay them the most. It's not unusual to see them kiss the crest on their jersey this week, only to be kissing the crest on another jersey next week. You need a sport where you play for the team you're born to play for, if you're dealt a good hand and born in the area of a great team, it'll be easier to have success. If you are born in another area, you may know that you'll never win, but you still play, beacuse it's what you love to do.

    I give you the game of Hurling. Not the puking your guts up hurling that Americans are familiar with, but the Gaelic game:
